Double glazing

Products & services

Double glazing: comfort and energy savings

In recent decades, glass has become increasingly efficient in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation. We can help you install the most efficient glazing.

Thermal insulation

Double glazing has been around for many years, but it has become increasingly efficient over time. Today, high-efficiency glass offers up to 3 times better thermal insulation than a version from 10 to 20 years ago.

If your existing frames have single or double glazing, it is often possible to install the latest generation of high-efficiency glass to improve the thermal performance of your home without replacing the frames.

Sound insulation

Sounds from outside, such as road or even air traffic can be very disruptive. Installing acoustically insulated double glazing can help reduce this noise and increase your comfort. Two factors affect the acoustic performance of your glazing. The first is the thickness of the glass and the second is the presence or absence of laminated glass. To reduce outside noise, it is advisable to use glass of different thicknesses when installing your double (or triple) glazing, for example, and install at least one laminated glass with acoustic film.

Note, however, that one sound is not the other. . Depending on the type of frequency you want to eliminate (high or muffled sounds), the glazing is not the same.

Renovation grants in Brussels

The Brussels-Capital Region offers premiums for replacing your current glazing with more efficient examples, both in terms of energy savings and improved acoustic performance. Premiums vary depending on your income. For more details, visit the site and then follow the “Installation and Replacement of Doors and Windows” link.

Your glazier in Brussels and surroundings

Glaswerken Brière has extensive experience in installing this type of window ventilation. We come to measure the dimensions of your existing frame that you wish to equip with the ventilation and install the new double glazing with ventilation grid. This solution is by far the most economical way to ventilate your home and get rid of your condensation and moisture problems.

Call us or send us a message for a free quote if this solution interests you.

Free quotation

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