Ventilation for double glazing

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Ventilation for double glazing

High-efficiency glass is extremely efficient in terms of insulation, but in a healthy home, air must circulate properly. For this purpose, it is possible to install ventilation grilles in your existing window frames by replacing the double glazing with a new one. This is the most economical way to ventilate your home coorect.

Is your home properly ventilated?

A lack of ventilation in a home can quickly cause major moisture problems. This results in condensed glass or worse, the presence of fungus (mold) on cold walls. This results in condensed glass or worse, the presence of fungus (mold) on cold walls. Therefore, it is important to ventilate your home regularly.

Opening the windows every day for at least 15 minutes can already have a beneficial effect, but is insufficient. For example, your mattress already needs more than a day to dry. A person ” sweats ” at night in a week +/- 10 liters of water. To avoid having to leave your windows open all the time and thus avoid theft which would not be covered by your insurance, there is a simple and effective solution to ventilate your home.

The Renson ventilation grid

To continuously ventilate your home, the Belgian company Renson manufactures flat window vents with thermal bridge break that can be placed on your double glazing in any wooden, aluminum or PVC frame. Discreet and aesthetic, they are available in different colors and perfectly match the look of your window frame.

To install them, your existing double glazing must be removed and replaced with a shorter one on which the ventilation grille is placed. The assembly is then fixed in your window frame. For your comfort, the Renson grilles are equipped with a mechanical switch to open or close them easily.

Your glazier in Brussels and surroundings

Glaswerken Brière has extensive experience in installing this type of window ventilation. We come to measure the dimensions of your existing frame that you wish to equip with the ventilation and install the new double glazing with ventilation grid. This solution is by far the most economical way to ventilate your home and get rid of your condensation and moisture problems.

Call us or send us a message for a free quote if this solution interests you.

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